FUSE at AL!VE connects local professionals providing spa services to guests in a refreshing and rejuvenating environment. These services are provided in comfortable, private rooms within FUSE, but are booked and paid for directly through the service providers, listed below.
- Holly’s Massage*, owned by Holly Woodbeck, LMT, offering deep tissue, medical and bamboo massage as well as cupping. *Holly's Massage is currently not accepting new clients (effective April 2024).
- Restorative Balance Massage, owned by Cassandra English, LMT. Call or text 517.667.8179 or email ce.massage@yahoo.com to schedule an appointment.
- Jules Skin, operated by Julie Roll, LME, provides personalized facials and advanced skincare treatments tailored to meet your skincare needs. Call or text 517.388.0318, or visit us online at https://pocketsuite.io/link/jules-skin to book your next appointment.
If you, or someone you know may be interested in offering their spa or holistic health services at AL!VE, please contact Taylor Greshak at Taylor.Greshak@Sparrow.org